Basically you need to connect your thoughts and emotions to generate the energy and use your body to achieve anything you want to achieve. All this depends only on you but you are not alone in the world. It might be that someone else also has the same goal you have and there will be interference. So what do you want him to do? You will have to readjust in two possible ways : resignation or cooperation. Resignation might be temporal and cooperation may lead you to still achieving your goal later so theoretically every goal is achievable but in the practical life the are obstacles. So do not hesitate, take a piece of paper and write down what you wish. Do everything you can to achieve the goal and you will always succeed because you will learn from the obstacles. I can identify 3 main kinds of obstacles:

1- Natural obstacles(Your Dna)

A cat cannot be a dog but can be trained to behave as a Dog. So accept things as they are. The spiritual lessons is that when you are content with what you have you will learn to improve on it. If you are aware of your ignorance you can learn. If you are aware of you hereditary weaknesses you can work on them. Natural obstacles even though they can make self improvement difficult are not a bondage. We all witness how slaves become masters and masters become slaves…

2- Conditional obstacles(Where you were raised up or lived)

Habits are acquired through repetitions and every one knows that you can change habits. Some habits are directly linked to societal and cultural principles. Without them the organization of a group of people will be impossible. You cannot reject traditional norms abruptly but they can coexist in the transformational process of developing your new personality until you are completely free from them without rejecting them. Some societal norms are universal, that is he divine law, but the majority are created by a group of influential people for their security and and transmitted from generation to generation through education. Decide now to start something new. Something affordable and make it an habit to be doing it constantly. It will teach you how to destroy obstacles or overcome any form of addiction to the extent permissible by the divine law. Some people succeed in changing their environment but the most important is to change some of your habits.

3-Personal obstacles (The trap of the identity)

Who you think you are will have a tremendous influence on your capacity to achieve any goal. Who you think you are is generally a projection of you ego. And understanding this is the core of personal transformation. You identity is a construction of your environment even though there is something universal in you. If this was not the case how could Europeans become Australians or Americans and Africans Caribbeans or whatever. Your identity is only a mean but not the essence of your being. Even though you carry the genetic codes of your ancestors your essence is transcendental. Accept yourself as you are but be opened to learn more about your being. You will grow. You hang on the identity because is is the only form you know yourself but it is proven that you can transcend this through application of some religious teachings and make the best in achieving your goal…

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